Report Text About Honey
Honey is amazing viscous liquid that produced by Honeybees. Honey is produced by honeybees from pollen and nectar of the plants. The color of honey bees is golden yellow with brown. We can found the Honeybees at everywhere in the garden or the trees. Honey bees
make honey storage with hexagonal shape that allows them to keep the maximum
amount of honey. The color of Honey is dark brown. Honey havedifferent taste from sugar and other sweeteners, sweet taste of honey caused by elements of monosakarida fruktosa and glucose. Honey have viscosity 36% bigger than water.
Honey is composed of several molecules such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron and phosphat. Honey also contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, and C whose composition
varies according to the quality of honey, flower and pollen that consumed Bee.Since
millions years ago, honey bees have produces ten times more honey than they needed so that people can had benefit from honey that containing “medicine for human”. Honey we consumed every afer meal can also make healthier heart, improve circulation and treat or reduce
other heart diseases.
Honey can do wonders for your skin. That’s the reason why you will find it in many
skin-care products. Honey acts as a great anti-aging agent and moisturizer.
Honey also has the ability to absorb and retain moisture, and this help in
keeping the skin well hydrated, fresh and supple.
Group members :
- Efi Ardayanti
- Maniar Gisela V.
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