Report Text About Moon


The moon is natural satellite Earth the only one and a month the fifth biggest in the Solar System . ‘’ Another title to Moon in English modern is lunar , comes from the latin Luna . as the other less common is selenic , from the Ancient Greek Selene who then be the basis of naming selenografi ( study on the surface and physical charateristich of the Moon ) ‘’ . The moon is not just an ornamental plant sky the night and lighting ,when the Sun sank . The moon is the only natural satellite Earth, not a man-made orbiting the Earth and do not have a source of the light of yourself , the light comes from the reflection of light the Sun . The object known as satellites Earth this is one of the members of the Solar System were always  surround the planet’s third of the Sun . ‘’ Moon is also satellites the solid both after LO is satellites jupiter ‘’ . The moon is the celestial bodies that the brightest after the Sun . Although the moon looks very white and bright , the surface of the Moon is actually dark , with a brightness level that is slightly higher than the liquid asphalt .
The moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth , always showing the same side to the Earth , with the near side marked by the mare volcanic dark located between the plateau crust that is light and impact crater that stands out and the actual shape of the moon is not perfectly round but rather oblong , like the shape of an egg .
The gravitational influence of Moon led to the ebb in the sea and the elongation of the time on the day on Earth . the distance orbit Moon with Earth as this is about thirty times from diameter Earth  , which led to the size of the Moon that appear in the sky almost the same large with the size of the Sun , so that allows Moon to cover the Sun and resulted in the total eclipse of the sun , but the size is not the same . Interestingly , the sun to Earth exactly 395 double the distance months into the earth , while diameter sun exactly 395 times diameter month at the time of the total eclipse of the sun , the size of the earth and the moon exactly the same , so that the sun can be closed the moon is perfect . And moon estimated  formedestimated formed about 4.5 billion years ago, not long after the establishment of Earth.

Report Text By Nurfitri Y. and Resti Farwadina


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